
H-Type Table formwork, which is frequently and sometımes necessarily used in slab formwork systems, is a durable slab formwork system that can bear heavy loads and provides ease of use and installation. The H-type Slab Formwork system consists of very few parts that can be easily assembled and disassembled with little labor. When a slab is finished, the table form can be easily moved sideways or to the next floor using a wheeled trolley system. The table formwork system can be moved, placed, and adjusted after the initial assembly for the entire project duration. Ideal for high ceiling, standard span buildings the system can be adapted for both beamless and beamed slabs..

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H Tipi Masa Kalıbı nedir?

NERU, Döşeme kalıp sisteminde sıkça kullanılan ve bazı durumlarda döşeme kalıbının olmazsa olmazı durumundaki masa kalıpları , ağır yükleri taşıyabilen, kullanım ve kurulum kolaylığı sağlayan, dayanıklı bir döşeme kalıp sistemidir.


    Neru Kalıp